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Residents are permitted to host visitors under the following guidelines:

Guest Registration & Access  

Oftentimes a student will wish to host a visitor or visitors. This is permissible under the following guidelines:

Day Guest: A Day Guest is anyone who is signed into Andersen Hall between the hours of 7am and 11pm. MSM residents may sign in up to three people at any given time per day at the Andersen Hall Security Desk. Day Guest passes expire at 11pm. If a guest wishes to stay beyond 11pm they must get signed in as a single night guest.

Single Night Guest: A Single Night Guest is anyone who is staying in Andersen Hall overnight (past 11 PM, when the day pass expires). Single Night Guest passes can be issued at any point during the day and expire at 11 AM the following day. MSM residents may sign in up to two people overnight. Single Night guest passes for the same person cannot be consecutive.

Multi-Night Guest: Any person wishing to host a guest for more than 1 night, to a maximum of 5 nights, needs prior approval from the Office of Residence Life. Approval must be sought 72 hours in advance. MSM residents may register up to two guests overnight at the same time. Multi-Night guest passes expire at 11 AM the last day of the stay. If you are approved for a Multi-Night Guest, present your approval notice to the Andersen Hall Security staff, and they will assist you with signing your guest in.

Guest passes may not be requested for the same person consecutively. Residents are not allowed to have an overnight guest within 72 hours following the departure of a previously approved multi-night guest. (effective 05.17.24)

To submit the Guest Registration Application, log onto and complete the “Guest Registration Application” listed under the “My Forms” section.

Manhattan School of Music security supervises the guest sign in process. When signing a guest in, the host must present their Manhattan School of Music ID and the guest must provide a picture ID to security. Photo identification may include driver’s license, military ID, state-issued ID, passport, or valid College or University ID. Credit cards and other forms of identification are not acceptable or permitted.

Hosts must remain with their guests the entire duration of their guests’ stay in Andersen Hall. Guests must have their pass with them at all times in Andersen Hall or other MSM buildings and present the pass to security every time they re-enter Andersen Hall.

Guests may only use practice spaces when accompanied by the host.

At the end of the guests’ stay, the guest must submit their pass to Andersen Hall Security. Hosts who fail to properly check out their guests will receive a $25.00 fine and if repeated, may lose their guest privileges.

Hosts will be held responsible for properly registering all guests. Guests who are not properly registered will be considered trespassers and asked to vacate Andersen Hall.


Responsibility of Guests

All guests must be 17 years of age and are required to abide by all Manhattan School of Music policies. Hosts will be held responsible for policy violations incurred by their guests. Guests who are involved policy violations may be asked to leave Andersen Hall and/or may be restricted from entering the building for an extended period of time. Police action may be utilized when necessary to remove an unruly guest.


Community Standard

All residents are responsible for maintaining a safe living environment in Andersen Hall. If an unescorted guest is seen in the building or if a person is acting suspiciously, please notify the Residence Life or Security staff immediately.


Orientation Period for New Students 

During the period of Orientation, new students will not be permitted to host guests (including parents and siblings). It is of the utmost importance that this time is utilized to build relationships with roommates, floor mates, and integrating into the MSM Community.


Winter Break Stay

Students electing to stay during Winter Break are not permitted to host guests.



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